
The Tao of the Creative Process.


The Tao of The Creative Process – conceptualizing and manifesting everything that reflects your life’s purpose. Here you turn your inspiration into reality by clarifying your ideas, then establishing a proper sequence of launching actionable steps. Your focus centers around attention and activity management, making you more intentional about your day.

The course presents a cohesive methodology for clearly understanding the creative process. You ultimately position yourself, both internally and environmentally, to receive, stay connected with, and execute creative inspiration more effectively. Once all the romantic pretensions are swept away, you’ll realize the underlying structure to creativity. 

The Tao of the Creative Process Features:

Your Intuition Connects You to the Creative Process.

Aspects of Our Intuition.

Intuition infuses itself into everyone’s makeup. The other five senses often overshadow this “sixth sense” – our innate, inner voice, speaking to and through us. Society overemphasizes developing the educated, learned self at the expense of the innate, intuitive self.

Accessing one’s intuition requires centering oneself into the present moment and dropping the fixation on the past or future. Now operating within a relaxed internal environment, you are conducive to quiet thought and greater receptivity. We routinely experience “gut feelings” in periods of heightened awareness. We are calm yet alert.

Our intuition acts independently of our educated, conscious mind. Whereas the educated mind starts out essentially non-existent at birth, we begin life with our intuition fully formed. There’s nothing about our intuition to develop. However, we must learn to listen and strengthen our acknowledgement of its potential.

Remove Your Conflicts and Challenges. Finish What You Start.

Several key principals and much of the course’s shorthand were developed by Andrew Hinshaw. Hinshaw has devoted his life to understanding, accessing, and expressing the creative process. His thirty years of research, experimentation, and implementation covers numerous disciplines.

Hinshaw’s master level abilities combine a top-notch education with being self-taught in diverse areas: playing the guitar, designing across many formats (one example the cover art for the I Work for Jose series), drawing, painting, computer code writing, and business development.

The fundamental human desire for creativity universally applies: to growing a business, planting a garden, or learning a musical instrument. Hinshaw successfully grew businesses in transportation and insurance, which most would consider neither creative or artistic. 

I have used these techniques in learning guitar and piano, writing and producing music, authoring two books, creating two courses, VitalMind and VitalBody, and producing the “I Work for Jose” series. My clients leverage the Tao of the Creative Process into significant manifestation,  whether they consider themselves “artistic” or not. 

Primary Components of the Creative Process

Focusing On Approach, Perspective, Attitude, and Execution.

Functions of Your Daily Task List

12 Principles of the Tao of The Creative Process.

  • Delineate what you want to accomplish before you start.
  • Cultivate and sustain a centered mindfulness to merge into the flow.
  • Remove all judgment when first initiating ideas or considering a project.
  • Differentiate between generating thought and receiving thought.
  • First establish a good broad-stroke before adding mid-tones and highlights.
  • Recognize the underlying sequencing of activities to create precision in your pursuits.
  • Maintain iron-clad clarity between task and vision.
  • Understand the relationship of your own personal life process with the steps involved in execution of an activity.
  • Focus only on one direction, task, or thought at a time.
  • Always know the problem you’re solving or the need you’re seeking to stop creating solutions to problems that don’t exist.
  • Connect attention and activity management together.
  • No amount of action can make up for misaligned thought.